Apply now

For the Impulse Pilot Program

We are currently accepting a small number of people to join the Impulse Pilot program for a one-off up-front fee of $50. If you'd like to apply, please fill out the form, and we'll get back to you shortly. Before you apply, it's important that you read the application guide below.

Impulse is not a substitute for professional mental help, and is not a cure for any mental health issue

If you struggle with a mental health issue such as an addiction, unwanted thought patterns, or compusive behaviour, you should seek professional mental help before applying for the Impulse Pilot Program.

Impulse is not a cure for any disease or mental health issue. Impulse is a tool that you may find helpful in your journey overcoming addictions or related mental health issues.

Privacy policy and terms of use

We take your data and your privacy seriously. You should read our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use and ensure that you ensure that you agree to the terms set out there before applying for the Impulse Pilot Program.